Make Valentine's Day Unforgettable

3 Monthly Shipments Experience


6 Monthly Shipments Experience


12 Monthly Shipments Experience


Seductive Pleasure Couples Experiences

Experience the thrill of discovery each month as you receive a carefully curated box of high-quality, body-safe toys and accessories. Each couples box contains 5-6 full-size products, including 1-2 powered toys (like vibrators, auto-male masturbators) and 3-4 accessories (non-powered toys, lingerie, lotions/oils, and more). Over the year, we explore a range of experiences - new feels, new moves. A $120-$327 value per box.
Wondering what was in past boxes? Check out our Shop for full details!

Coming in the February Experience Box

Looking For Same-Sex and Solo Experiences?

We have gift options for couples and singles of all types.